Frankie DeTommaso was born in Daytona Beach, Florida on August 17. He is 17, Italian and comes from a family that was born and raised in NY. He has a very outgoing personality and loves being in the spotlight. Frankie is known to be an extrovert. He is very funny, creative and sensitive. Frankie loves Romance/Comedy, Action/Suspense and Horror. He resides with his mom in Atlanta GA, His favorite sports are Basketball, Track, Cross Country, and Swimming. He can also play a large range of other things which are all listed on his IMDB and that is linked up above. Frankie always knew he would end up becoming an actor. He has such a passion for it. Frank is proudly represented by East Coast Talent in Georgia, and is thrilled with his Agency! Franks talent profiles are listed on Casting Networks, and Actors Access. As Frank continues to learn and grow in the industry he will be taking on more projects and classes. For information on that please click updates.
Frank's Demo Reel is now up on the video section of this site along with IMDB, and You Tube. Frank loves the challenge of taking his acting to different levels. His passion and Energy makes him the unique person that he is today.